Catch The Zenith w/ Nicola Flückiger
Your zenith is your best self. Getting there is hard. This podcast helps. I’m Nicola, a 27-year-old entrepreneur. Here, I share the many mistakes and lessons I’m learning along the way. Expect episodes about high performance and business.
203 episodes
#194: My 2-Step Routine for Reflecting on the Day
#194: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 194

#193: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey - Book Summary
#193: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...

#192: Outperform 99% Of Your Competitors
#192: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 192

#191: How I Know My True Friends – 2 Simple Criteria
#191: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 191

#190: How I Actually Remember What I Read
#190: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 190

#189: Logic, Values & Dopamine
#189: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 189

#188: The Secret to Deal With People Who Say You've Changed
#188: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 188

#187: The Power Of Telling The Truth (& Why It Always Wins)
#187: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 187

#186: The Voice in Your Head Is Not You
#186: Welcome back to Catch The Zenith, the podcast where I document my journey to get better in life and business. Today, we’ve got another episode of Zenith Reflections—the format where I comment on some of my most interesting posts from the ...
Episode 186

#185: What Will You Sacrifice For Your Goals?
#185: In my comeback episode 183, I told you all about my new goal for this podcast: to document my self-improvement and business journey, learn from mistakes, and get better in life and entrepreneurship. In other words, this podcast is part of...
Episode 185

#184: 27 Lessons From 2024 - Alex Hormozi, Jordan Peterson & Warren Buffett
#184: I’ve always struggled to remember the lessons I’ve learned over time, so I found a simple way to reflect and capture them. That’s why, for the fourth year in a row, I’m recording this yearly reflection episode. In this one, I’m sharing 27...
Episode 184

#183: I'm Back (What I Did For 2.5 Years)
#183: I’m back! In this episode, I’ll fill you in on what I’ve been up to over the past two years—from why I stopped uploading episodes on Catch The Zenith, to making my first dollar online, starting a second podcast, getting into a master’s pr...
Episode 183

#182: 3 Business Lessons from Coaching 40+ Clients
#182: Over the past two years, I have run a high-performance coaching business, helping over 40 clients become more productive. In this episode, I want to share the top 3 business lessons I've learned from this venture. Enjoy!Timesta...
Episode 182

#181: 8 Tips to Remember More from Your Books!
#181: In this episode, I want to show you how to get the most out of your books. Specifically, I’ll share eight strategies that can help you retain more of what you read and internalize the knowledge better.Maybe you can relate to my ex...
Episode 181

#180: You’ve been chasing your goals wrong!
#180: Think you're chasing your goals the right way? Think again. Quick fixes and silver bullets don't exist. Success is built with "Golden BBs" – small, consistent actions. Enjoy!Nicola Flückiger
Episode 180

#179: 3 Simple Hacks to Master Your Calendar Instantly!
#179: In this episode, I share with you 3 simple methods that should help you regardless of what calendar you are using. Enjoy!Nicola Flückiger
Episode 179

#178: From Procrastination to Productivity with a Simple Brain Hack
#178: In high school, I was a chronic procrastinator. Today, I’m pursuing a master’s degree at an elite university in St. Gallen, have completed two internships, and have founded or co-founded three businesses. In this episode, I share a simple...
Episode 178

#177: This Law Changed How I Approach Business
#177: "If you can’t be first in a category, set up a new category you can be first in."– A quote from the book "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Al Ries and Jack Trout, which we'll be discussing today. Specifically, the second chapter...
Episode 177

#176: My 6-Step Daily Planning Routine That Saved Me 20+ Hrs a Week
#176: Over the past few years, I've transitioned from being a chronic procrastinator in high school to becoming a highly productive master's student at an elite university. Throughout this journey, I developed a 6-step planning process that not...
Episode 176

#175: How I Sleep Like a BABY - 7 Tips
#175: For more than a year, I went to bed and woke up at the same time every day, and it really made my sleep better. I found out seven cool tips that helped me sleep deeply and wake up feeling super refreshed. In this episode, I’m going to tel...
Episode 175

#174: How I Mastered My Emails in 3 Steps
#174: Struggling with an overflowing email inbox? Discover how I achieved inbox zero with three simple, effective steps to streamline your email management. Enjoy!Things Mentioned
Episode 174

#173: 5 Life-Changing Lessons from Top Non-Fiction Books
#173: Jim Rohn said, "Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary." I found out that reading has made my life much better. It helps me understand why people do what they do and teaches me how to live a better and ...
Episode 173

#172: How I Found My Passion
#172: It is often difficult for people to discover their passion in life, and I was no exception. In this episode, I will be sharing with you how I found my calling. From my personal experience, it seems that passion is not something th...
Episode 172

#171: A Weekly Routine You Can’t Afford to Miss - 4 Steps to Maximize Productivity
#171: If we don't regularly tidy up our productivity system, things can get really messy and hard to handle. Today, I'll share something called the Weekly Review. It's a method that has helped many people, including me, stay organized. Enjoy!
Episode 171

#170: How Being Proactive Changed My Life! [Habit 1]
#170: In this episode, I propose an alternative to the common tendency of blaming others for our negative emotions and mistakes. This alternative approach empowers us to take control of our lives and shift our focus from problems to solutions. ...
Episode 170